
An adventure game that explores a range of adult concepts including death, the afterlife and drug usage.

launch button

PacMan1 As you can probably guess, this is my attempt at a Pacman clone. It was basically an excercise in coding a simple game to completion, tackling every technical aspect without going into too much depth. I really just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, as game development as always interested me but my career choice has lead me in a different direction.

A quick summary of what was achieved:

The end result took about 80 hours over a 2 month period in 2005. As far as I'm concerned it's done, so I'm off to work on some new projects.

All of the game assets are my own creation except for the sound effects and music, which were downloaded from free sources on the web.

Play the game within a Java applet if you dare. Any high scores can be viewed on the shared High Score Table.